During their lifetime, one in every 26 persons will have epilepsy or repeated seizures. Trying to determine when a seizure occurs through traditional EEG testing methods has proven to be difficult. At NeuroLogic Diagnostics, we realized that precise data, faster turnaround, and easy in-home testing might enhance the lives of countless people by providing doctors additional information. Ambulatory EEG testing at home examines patients in their daily settings, preserving the environments that may lead to seizures or other neurological disorders. This means more reliable data to back diagnoses, allowing clinicians to develop focused treatment programs that back the findings of the study.
What is an EEG
Ambulatory electroencephalogram (aEEG) monitoring is an EEG that is recorded at home. It has the ability to record for up to 72 hours. The aEEG increases the chance of recording an event or abnormal changes in the brain wave patterns.

Most commonly, your healthcare provider wants to check for seizure activity related to epilepsy. When a person presents abnormal behavior, which could be caused by an issue with their brain activity, it’s important to ensure that the correct cause is identified. EEG tests are used to look into the brain’s electrical activity, allowing Neurologist to detect abnormal features in the electrical impulses.

Wash your hair the night before or day of the test, but do not use any conditioners, hair creams, sprays, oils or styling gels. Remove braids, wigs or hair pieces. Wear a front opening shirt.
Take usual medications unless instructed by a physician. Have a list of medications with you.

A certified technician measures your head and will mark your scalp with a special pencil to indicate where to attach the electrodes.
A technician then attaches head wires (electrodes) to your scalp using a special adhesive.
The head wires will be connected to anamplifier that captures the brain waves and records them"on the computer (equipment). A video camera will also be connected to the computer during the duration of the study. These are used in conjunction with the brain activity to help determine what activities could be causing abnormalities.
There is little to no little or no discomfort during an EEG.
The electrodes will not transmit any sensations,
they only record your brain waves.

How do I receive my results?
After the technician removes the electrodes, your recorded data will be downloaded to our secure server and reviewed by a fellowship trained and board certified Neurologists, specialized in EEG/Epilepsy . The results are usually available within 2 weeks of the test being completed. The findings will be provided to the physician who ordered the study.

Neurologic Diagnostics (NLD) is a leading ambulatory EEG provider that is dedicated to servicing both patients and physicians in excellence. We make it our goal to provide as easy and comfortable a process as possible. NLD will be there to help assist you through every step. Our patients come first!

Compared to inpatient studies:
Ambulatory studies are usually performed and completed significantly quicker and have a much faster turnaround time for results.
Lower cost:
The cost of an outpatient EEG study is often a fraction of the cost of an inpatient EEG study, sometimes as low as 1/3 of the cost of a 72-hour recording.
Convenience and Privacy:
Patients can stay in the privacy and comfort of their own home and do not have to travel to stay in an EMU (with the distances in some cases being significant). This results in less time off from work and away from family.


Secure Cloud Access:
Hosted in the cloud and easily accessible from any internet-connection location. Our software is HIPAA-compliant.

Secure Cloud Access:
Displays synchronized EEG and HD video and audio for better interpretation.

Secure Cloud Access:
NeuroLogic offers innovative and flexible monitoring services to meet healthcare provider needs, such as after-hours or weekend monitoring and support during holidays or vacations.
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